This book is written for those who realize they don’t have to wait to ask for permission to improve their lives.  Because insecurity is a f*cking liar.

Together, [inside this book] we will be brave and confidently take our Middle Finger Happiness out of our pockets when life fucks with us.

This book is ideal for anyone at any point in their life. Whether you feel like you’ve got your shit together or like it’s all falling apart.  You cannot worry what others are going to think about you when you are attempting to positively re-build the life you want…

Click here to buy your copy from Amazon 

“For the play-it-safers… I am under no obligation to make sense to you.” Sharon Lee Zapata

The Little Book of Start-Up Inspiration …20 lessones learned the hard way dammit from the most outrageous year of my entrepreneurial life

This is not just for entrepreneurs! …It is for anyone who has grit, misdirected energy, curiosity, and creativity that only Sharon Lee Zapata could write. 

The lessons she has learned the hard way dammit…  will inspire you and teach you to attempt something where there is a possibility of failure.

Whether it’s in business, the arts, or in life… you are likely to experience a breakdown

– – However, you’re more likely to accomplish real and original success when you get rid of a loser’s mentality.

This is not a self-help book.

This is a smart-ass book.

This book is not for everyone… it is for those who want more and aren’t afraid to grab their own ass and turn themselves around.

My books are available on Amazon