Noted Southern Artist & Illustrator …and His Badassery ArtWork [Back to the Future -1980’s Classic -Fantasy/Science fiction film] As a writer and blogger, I strive to create curiosity and share anything new I have learned. After all, when we are curious, we see things differently; we use our powers to learn something more fully. Well, I …
21 Accelerated Thoughts Today
…give-it-to-me-straight! I am a LIST MAKER. I have been making lists for as long I can remember. This is my way of learning anything new. This is my way to remember new information. It’s simple and it works. Here is one of my personal favorite Strengthening Word lists I’ve created. Take what you like and leave the rest. Share this with someone you know …
Courage for Beginners
Today let’s squash a few bugs in the programming of how things are supposed to be. No lectures – just acceptance: You never know when the moment’s going to be squandered and left… And you didn’t say what you wanted to say… You didn’t express yourself… You didn’t do it because you were afraid… You …
3 Life Hacks You Should Know
I have always been intrigued with LIFE-HACKS! What is a life hack? Well, let’s break it down kids – Dr. Seuss style. LIFE HACK: Little tips, tricks, things or information that make life a little easier === like running a sticky note between your keyboard keys to collect crumbs and computer lint. Here are three life hacks that will act like …
2 Cocktails on Friday! Blackberry Jalapeno Margarita & Carrot Cucumber Margarita
Cocktails on Friday! Ode to the COCKTAILS ON FRIDAY’S! Here is this week’s pick: We are tickled pink about having none other than Vianney Rodriguez, Award Winning & Nationally Recognized Cocktail Creator/Food Blogger! AND co-author of Latina Twist [traditional & modern cocktails] as our guest! She is definitely an INFLUENCER! Today we are posting two awesome cocktails …