TICK…TICK…TICK! Did you know there are 168 hours in a week? No, more…No less. We all get the same amount of weekly hours. So why is it that some people can get way more shit done and others can barely produce or pump out kick ass results with their time? What do YOU accomplish in 168 hours? I …
Mom Guilt Is a Bitch
The greatest escape for me today… is taking 15-minutes to write this blog post about how ‘mom guilt is a bitch‘. Some days I feel like I’m in first gear zooming down the highway driving a Bugatti Veyron. But this is only in my dreams… Yeah right, a Bugatti Veron costs around 1.7 million …
How to Handle Holiday Stress, Distress, De-stress
The Thanksgiving holiday always reminds me that the year is coming to an end… It’s pretty apparent that the year is coming to an end… and a new year is going to be sneaking in like a friend who had too much to drink on New Year’s Eve. The way I see this: November and December …
What Changed the Way You Think?
Sometimes the most profound wisdom hits you when you least expect it. This has happened to me… and maybe it’s happened to you? You’re chugging through your life with certain views and certain opinions on life, then someone says something to you and everything changes. Maybe that person was your third-grade teacher. Maybe it was a stranger …
5 Things on my Not-To-Do List
I quietly thought to myself, “She could be outside drinking a cold beer and gardening instead of ironing.” Anyone who is achieving at an elevated level be it in their career, business, sports, education or art, must say no to many things. Time is limited. Whenever we say yes to one thing, we are …