Today, all I need is a keyboard and my stubborn determination…
Instead of painfully returning, I come back swinging – – [not like I’m swinging my kitchen towel at a fly at a BBQ] —
I mean swinging a fucking baseball bat like a Bang-Bang Swing… you know a play that unfolds very quickly and suddenly.
Basically what I’m saying is, “I’m getting good at starting over…. and setting some kickass goals”
So, here we are… just a couple of weeks left in December.
I haven’t written a blog post worthy of sharing since August 24, 2017 [the night Hurricane Harvey hit Houston… I wrote: The Battle Bots Inside Your Head.] 120 days have passed since that night… and the flooding of our home.
I admit I have been uncommitted to writing about the experience of losing things that aren’t supposed to get lost in chaos… Like losing your mental-grip when floodwaters flowing like a river enter your home…
Truth is, I’m not ready to write about it… yet
So what’s been happening? Lots of shituations that’s for sure. …And no, that is not a typo: Shituations
I’ve been derailed and interrupted by the state of my mind and by some personal and family challenges.
Closing the cool office that I shared with an awesome, creative friend and entrepreneur
Dealing with entrepreneurial growing pains of establishing a revenue-producing communications company
Realizing that it is alright to invite a client to leave… basically, I had to fire a client
Having my home and the awe-inspiring city that I love – – Houston, TX get slashed and swallowed by Hurricane Harvey’s floodwaters
Dealing with family legal matters, the court system, and lawyers… in a situation, I cannot legally talk about [at this time]
However, I am not here to cry, moan, and complain about the tough personal stuff I am currently going through.
I’m just here to share my story because I know that I am not the only person during the Christmas holiday season who has been doing their best to keep their focus positive… even when some days are filled with depression, expected automatic joy, and stupid misunderstandings with small-minded people.
As I write this, it helps me to look at my own cracked foundation I stand strongly upon.
I can’t run away from this cracked foundation… because it will only turn into a personalize earthquake.
The more I run away… the bigger the cracks open up.
So, today I made a decision to just keep plowing forward no matter how shitty life gets.
This is called grit. I am determined to put on my boxing gloves and fight any challenge LIFE throws my way.
I have two sons.
I want them to be able to see their mom be brave even when she isn’t.
The expansion of seeing the bad and the good in our individual worlds just reminds me that the best things in life are found where the levels of stress would break most people.
I am stubborn and determined… this makes me think of solutions to fucking problems.
The great thing about this year is that it is never too late to set some new kickass goals.
I’ve seen people either give up or drive the passion that got them going.
I choose the passion that got me going in the first place. It is a powerful tool to have… passion.
Giving up is not an option. Yes, that term is so overused, yet it is so true. These last 5 months of 2017 [amongst the stress, problems, and determination…]
I was able to hire two strong and successful mentors who taught me that something special that’s always been inside me is more aroused and determined than ever.
I realized that I had to push myself away… from myself. In other words, I’ve gotten in my own way.
We all have that something special inside us... we are our own code breakers.
What will I do now?
I will continue to take my struggles and keep my sparks firing at any challenge that comes my way because this is what badassery winners do.
That is what I am.
Is it easy?
Fuck no.
You too can take your badassery self to a new level… raise the bar as you wrap up this year.
How will you do this?
If you are human like me… like anyone who wants more out of their life…
You are going to get good at starting over again… and set some kickass goals.
What I have going for me is:
1. Enthusiasm for making my goals happen
2. Kickass sales and marketing skills (this is what I have done for 15 + years)
3. A hunger for learning something new [I am learning how to build an eCommerce store.]
4. I just got accepted to The University of Houston Downtown to complete my B.A. in Corporate Communication [just 2 semesters left]
5. An awesome, supportive husband.
6. The experience that I write 3 to 5 hours every day… and that I get better every day… and that my audience and readers who grow with me.
7. My grit. ‘Do no harm. Take no shit.” – this is what my audacious granny Juanita would always tell me. I am relentless.
8. I have completed 88% of my new book: The Little Book of Start-Up Inspiration… 20 Lessons Learned the Hard Way Dammit’ [to be launched this month!]
9. I don’t believe in giving up on chasing dreams.
All that said, I am so grateful to have the connections, friends, family, and colleagues who support me in all my endeavors.
Let me share a few of my [business] goals I have for this new year:
1. Write [2] new books! The Little Book of StartUp Inspiration and Middle Finger Happiness
2. Develop online course(s) to help people learn how to have their most profitable year
3. Create more blogcasts from my blog posts
4. Create video content that will turn into a podcast
5. Get some Bitchy Business Briefs T-shirts and stemless wine glasses [for purchase on the website!]
6. Donate more money to the charities I support.
The righteous ending to this blog post…
I would never have accomplished any of my goals had I not set them in the first place.
In fact, I’d probably still be sulking in depression if I had not pushed myself.
Find comfort in the chaos and take action… because there will always be struggles and speed-bumps in life.
Take what you can from this post and leave the rest.
My writing is my therapy instead of taking pills.
I am only human and so are you.
I decided to share this post with you on a cold and rainy Sunday morning …with my 2nd cup of coffee; there will be someone who reads this and hopefully gets inspired to take on their personal problems with a bang-bang-swinging of their own baseball bat… and hit a home run.
Get good at starting over again… and set some kickass goals.
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I simply like writing from my experiences in BUSINESS. LIFE LESSONS. SMARTY ASS QUOTES. And you’ll find some COCKTAILS occasional INTERVIEWS with INFLUENCERS!
Where do I start?
If you’re new to this blog, I highly recommend starting with these posts:
Three Words That Will Get You What You Want
What Changed The Way You Think?