Even superheroes hide behind a mask
I’m not hiding
I’m not a superhero
I’m just a human who struggles and writes about struggles and how to stop struggling…
Well, today, fuck me… there is a lot going on behind the scenes…
This is what I’ve confronted myself with today:
{Putting in hard work does not guarantee success
{Putting in hard work does not take you higher
{Putting out the fires in your life… you will still see the smoke
{Don’t believe other people can control you – leave the mothafuckers
{Don’t give away your power…
{Don’t feel sorry for yourself
{Don’t feel sorry for me
life is not a bowl of cherries… I never understood what fucking cherries had to do with life.
Today my struggle is authentically really fucked… have you ever had a day where you have the strength yet it is still not enough?
I’m writing this post mainly for me… Because most writers write for themselves. This is actually an entry in my journal from today and I thought, let me share it …
You out there… I am talking to you… you know who you are…
Struggling with your strength
Struggling with your fucking authenticity
So, I pulled my GRIT CARD outta my pocket and looked myself in the mirror. Then, I created this list of what a mentally strong person would do – because I have to be mentally strong in order to get over the shit I am going through…
1.] be genuinely happy for other’s success [they’ve worked their asses off and we don’t know all the shit they went through to get where they are]
2.] Accept some things and move on…
3.] don’t let your life shrink right before your eyes… start making the changes in order to get yourself up and out of a funk
4.]Worrying never solves a problem… It’s all inside your head…
5.] have faith in your own wounds – they’re there to remind you of how tough you really are
6.] when you’re making a life decision, you will piss someone off… you are not a margarita and you cannot make everyone happy
This wasn’t meant to be the best blog post or the best content I write. This is simply a brain dump from my personal journal and I thought I would be open and share it. Thanks for being here. Thanks for reading. Share it if you like or not.