Confessions of a New Blogger Part I

Where do all these words come from?

So, I am 21-months into creative writing, content writing for my very first blog: The Bitchy Business Briefs.  What a great title!  I write about BUSINESS. LIFE LESSONS. SMARTY-ASS QUOTES. COCKTAILS ON FRIDAY. INFLUENCERS.

Today, it just occurred to me, that just because I’ve been journaling over 20+ years, this does not qualify me to be an excellent writer.  However, it is raw, real, authentic and these many years of journaling have given me time and persistence to work on this never ending craft and skill.

As a misunderstood teenager, I began writing in my cheap little spiral notebooks [that were usually purchased from the local drug store in our neighborhood] to ease the pain of insecurity.-  You know, writing down ideas and basically talking to myself on paper.  No one ever told me, “Hey, why don’t you go write your feelings and frustrations in a notebook…”

[Tweet theme=”tweet-box-shadow”]”Hey, why don’t you go write down your feelings and frustrations in a notebook.” @SharonLeeZapata,author/entrepreneur[/Tweet]

I just started writing everything going on in my head and in my life one sunny afternoon my freshman year in high-school. This activity has stayed with me pretty much my whole life. I have countless spiral notebooks and journals.

So check this out: [ I had no idea… ] According to an article in – – The Benefits of Journaling for Stress Management is a term coined for the practice of keeping a diary or journal that explores thoughts and feelings surrounding the events of one’s life; using journaling, as a stress management and self-exploration tool.

Dad was in the U.S. Army and we traveled a lot. I have lived in the following states: Colorado, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California, and, Texas. We also traveled and explored: Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona.   I experienced attending 8 or 9 different schools in twelve years. Crazy, organized chaos every time I had to check into a new school; especially during the middle of the day.

[Tweet theme=”tweet-box-shadow”]We find ourselves in environments where we don’t feel welcome. Linda Alvarado, owner -the Colorado Rockies Baseball [/Tweet]

There is nothing more terrifying for an insecure high-school girl to have to walk into a classroom during 3rd-period Biology…all eyes on you as you are announced in the front of the class. “…let’s welcome our new student everyone.” Just hearing this made me want to disappear and melt into the floor like an ice-cube on a hot summer day.

That afternoon in East Los Angeles, Calfornia [during lunch], under a tree, I sat alone at my new high school …that was the day I began writing in my journal. Little did I know how important my new spiral notebook; that was freshly purchased earlier that morning from the local drug store on my commute to my new school would rescue me and become my security blanket to write down my experiences, my feelings…thus, a writer was born.  Completing this last paragraph just made me realize where my love for trees and the outdoors came from… growing up one of my past times was sitting under a tree with my notebook and pen ~ 


Fast forward a few years… I received an uber cool opportunity when I was a sophomore in high school living in Portland, Oregon attending Centennial High School. The local television station KATU-ABC NEWS offered me an internship to write and be mentored by one of their journalists. You can imagine my joy and excitement! Unfortunately, at 16 years old, my parents decided to move back to Corpus Christi, Texas and I was not able to begin that journey. This just strengthened my insecurity. I thought I would never become a writer or a journalist. I was devastated. Moving back to South Texas sucked [to me]. It was the debacle that created a dislike for returning to this small city that was like going back in time… on so many levels.

I am still learning [and probably will always be] about how to write creatively in order to capture my reader’s attention, bring value to them, inspire them and most importantly have an undeniable connection and courtship with my readers.

I want to write fierce and yummy content that bridges this digital relationship  I have with my readers.  I want to influence people to become the best version of ‘themselves’ by sharing my stories… this is what connects humans with each other on so many levels. 

This engagement takes the typical construction of boy/girl meets content… to boy/girl follows my blog then falls in love with my content.

Keep in mind, boy/girl must be attracted to my writing and trust my writing. This comes from a vulnerable and raw place inside me.

As a writer, I want to give people real inspiration, a great idea, a good laugh, something to think about and share an experience that will let them know they are not the only person in the world who is misunderstood or who has a behemoth situation to overcome!

Fast forward to today… I am no longer that insecure teen! I have conquered so many struggles to become who I am today. Can you tell by the title of my blog? Who would’ve thought The Bitchy Business Briefs would be created and produced by a Latina who was insecure during her teens?! I created this blog for out-of-the-box thinkers, dreamers, thought leaders, creators, action takers, and savvy entrepreneurs who want to become kick-ass persons of value.

Just for some shits and giggles [a term I have often heard, but really don’t know how it started… I just find it amusing.  I enjoy being amused… and a glass of wine too] I will give you a glimpse into the mind of real life blogger — content writer, here are some of my actual thoughts from today….

  • When is my 8-year old going to stop bursting into my office to tell me he is going to poop?! …Just go poop damn it!

  • What the hell was Kim Kardashian thinking when she took her naked selfie? But the bitch looks good!

  • Is my coffee in the microwave? ..where did I leave my coffee mug?

Keeping Your Head in the Game

Tomorrow, I will post [Confessions of a New Blogger -Part II].

I will give you a few of my secrets I use to get my writing done and to ensure it is real, raw, inspiring, published and well-received by my readers.

Authentic writing isn’t just another one of those things that I do. It is a matter of survival and growth. I use it in my daily communications as an entrepreneur, speaker, author, and investor.  I am addicted to creativity. I am also addicted to revenue.  This is necessary if you want to build your success and help others with the fruits of your labor. 

If you are thinking about becoming a writer, a journalist, a blogger, a business owner or an entrepreneur you’ll want your craft to survive the messy noise inside the world-wide-web and you’ll want your writing to grow [flourish].

I will tell you how to come to the blank page not with a mouse and keyboard, but also with a knife . . . and the courage to use it.

Until then, More on how to do this tomorrow!

High-5 and Coffee!

~ Sharon

Did you like this post? Share it… you never know what how this could help another human.  If you did, sign up for new blog posts.  I promise you will not get bombarded to buy anything.

I simply like writing from my experiences on BUSINESS. LIFE LESSONS. SMARTY ASS QUOTES.  And you’ll find some COCKTAILS occasional INTERVIEWS with INFLUENCERS!

Where do I start?

If you’re new to this blog, I highly recommend starting with these posts:

Three Words That Will Get You What You Want

What Changed The Way You Think?



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About Author

Sharon is an award-winning presenter and 3-time author, including her latest book "Middle Finger Happiness... work hard. live well. don't fuck with mem." She happily wears this book title as one of her favorite tattoos.

Since 2015, she's been pumping out her glorious and quirky, no-filter writing abilities as the creative-head of the ever-popular blog The Bitchy Business Briefs.

She's an abstract Artist with a baller mixed-media studio in The Silos on Sawyer [the largest creative campus in the U.S.]
Sharon is the owner and Co-Founder of The Zapata Group [swiss army knife of creative consulting services]

...and she has a constantly growing podcast: Middle Finger Happiness [iTunes, Anchor, Spotify, Google]

Sharon suffers from having misdirected energy and creativity… So she writes her business ideas, her ‘briefs’ [small batch story telling] – and creates SMARTY-ASS quotes; keeps a lot of tiny notepads around her home to write them down. This is actually her therapy instead of taking pills.

A proud wife and mom to an 11-year old son and grown-up son, she requires an obscene amount of caffeine to get her through most days... doesn't play well with bigots or assholes.

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